Thursday, April 24, 2008


Top tips for solo women travellers OFTEN the risks when travelling overseas are the same as at home, and a little common sense can be all that's needed for safety abroad. Going solo needn't be scary - so read on for tips on travelling alone.
:: STAND YOUR GROUND Firmness, assertiveness and politeness are the best way to deal with any difficult situations, and often unwanted attention comes about through a difference in perception in that Western women are often seen as being available, especially in the developing world. But by suggesting that men are not respecting them, women can generally shake off anyone who they don't want around.

:: GET SHADY A pair of sunglasses to avoid unwanted eye contact, plus a wedding ring - real or imaginary - are also good things to have on you.

:: LEARN THE LOCAL LINGO Having some command of the local language will help to break down any barriers of misunderstanding.

:: HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOUR As hard as it is, try to deal with any problems with good humour - losing your temper won't do anything except make the situation worse.

:: STAY SOBER Don't do anything you wouldn't do at home alone - and that means don't drink or use drugs to excess, especially when you're on your own.

:: KEEP YOUR WITS ABOUT YOU If you are suspicious of anyone or any situation, err on the side of caution before accepting drinks or anything else from strangers, male or female.

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